Cheat List
In the "Press Enter" screen type in the following cheats.(only works in single player mode)
regmebaby: 20000 start money in career mode
opendoors: Unlock districts
ordermybaby: Unlock all cars
gimmevisual1: Unlock all visual upgrades Level 1
gimmevisual2: Unlock all visual upgrades Level 2
needperformance1: Unlock all performance parts Level 1
needperformance2: Unlock all performance parts Level 2
goforoldspice: Unlock Old Spice vinyl
needmybestbuy: Unlock Best Buy vinyl
gotmycingular: Unlock Cingular Sponsor vinyl
gottahavebk: Unlock Burger King vinyl
gottaedge: Unlock Edge Sponsor vinyl
davidchoeart: vinyl
wannacapone: vinyl
gimmechingy: vinyl
yodogg: Snoop Dogg Special
tunejapantuning: vinyl
Call of Duty 2
Activate cheat codes:
click YES.
In menu title press: ~ and type:
developer 1 = enable cheat codes, LOAD button appears, click it and select the level
Once the level is loaded type ~ again and type "devmap" and you can use the following codes:
god = God Mode
give ammo = All Ammo
give all = All weapons, full ammo, health and armor
noclip = Walk through solid objects
notarget = Invisibility to most enemies
kill = suicide
R.O.S.E. Online
Hidden commands
Type one of the following commands in the chat window, then press [Enter] to activate the corresponding effect.
Effect Code:
Remove user interface /noui
Party level-up effect (but no actual level up) /effect 297
Glowing orange ball at feet /effect 300
Character hit by lightning /effect 243
Smoke at feet /effect 299
Small white ball flashes on feet /effect 241
Explosion on body /effect 242
Ball lightning and a tornado on body /effect 244
Tornado coming out from body /effect 245
Strange pyramid at feet /effect 105
Level-up effect /effect 160
Attack down buff effect /effect 164
Attack up buff effect /effect 165
Defense down buff effect /effect 166
Defense up buffs effect /effect 167
Buff that resembles coin up effect /effect 168
Buff that resembles a coin down effect /effect 169
Movement speed down buff effect /effect 170
Black/purple smoke at your feet /effect 173
Accuracy up buff effect /effect 174
Accuracy down buff effect /effect 175
Poison effect /effect 176
Dodge rate down buff effect /effect 177
Dodge rate up buff effect /effect 178
Attack speed up buff effect /effect 181
Attack speed down buff effect /effect 182
Age of Empires 3: The Asian Dynasties
Cheat Codes:
While playing the game, press [Enter] to display the chat window. Then, type one of following codes and press [Enter] to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Result - Code:
+10,000 coins - give me liberty or give me coin
+10,000 experience points - nova & orion
+10,000 food - medium rare please
+10,000 wood -
Faster building, research, and shipments - speed always wins
Full map but with fog of war - x marks the spot
Instant win in Single Player mode - this is too hard
Destroys all the enemy boats on the map - shiver me timpers!
Name of unit appears when it destroys another unit or building - sooo good
Spawn George Crushington - where's that axe?
Spawn Tommynator - tuck tuck tuck
Spawn Mediocre Bombard - ya gotta make do with what ya got
Age of Empires III
While playing a game, press [Enter] to display the chat window and type one of following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Effect - Code
Disable fog of war - x marks the spot
10,000 Food - medium rare please
10,000 Coin - give me liberty or give me coin
10,000 XP - nova & orion
100X Gather/Build Rates - speed always wins
Win Scenario - this is too hard
Spawn Monster Truck - tuck tuck tuck
Spawn Mediocre Bombard - ya gotta make do with what ya got
"Musketeer'ed!" When Killed by Musketeers - sooo good
Edit resources
Use a text editor to edit the "proto.xml" file in the "data" directory in the game folder.
Note: You may first need to uncheck the "Read Only" attribute of that file's properties in Windows Explorer.
Search for the text "CrateOf". You will find CrateofFood, CrateofCoin, CrateofWood, CrateofFoodLarge,
CrafteofCoinLarge, and CrateofWoodLarge. For all these entries, find the tag "InitialResourceCount"
and change the count to whatever desired. For example, the normal crates each have "100.000" of the
resources. You can change the "100" to "99999.000", etc. Make sure you do this for all the crates;
sometimes a map will give you a large crate of something, and smaller ones of something else, etc.
This works best because every map you play in Campaign mode or Skirmish mode starts you with some
"crates" of resources, which your settlers will gather out. This will edit the crates to have large
amounts of resources in them. However, it still takes a long time to get the resources out of the
crate for the settlers, because there are so many. If you are impatient, search for "Settler" in the "
proto.xml" file and find the tag for GatherCrate. Change the value to whatever desired, preferably
something very high (for example, "99999").
They will pull the resources out of the crate instantly.
Edit resources:
Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file before proceeding.
Use a text editor to edit the "proto.xml" file in the "data" directory in the game folder.
Note: You may first need to uncheck the "Read Only" attribute of that file's properties in Windows Explorer.
Search for the text "CrateOf". You will find CrateofFood, CrateofCoin, CrateofWood, CrateofFoodLarge,
CrafteofCoinLarge, and CrateofWoodLarge. For all these entries, find the tag "InitialResourceCount" and
change the count to whatever desired. For example, the normal crates each have "100.000" of the resources.
You can change the "100" to "99999.000", etc. Make sure you do this for all the crates; sometimes a map will
give you a large crate of something, and smaller ones of something else, etc. This works best because every
map you play in campaign or skirmish starts you with some "crates" of resources, which your settlers will gather out.
This will edit the crates to have huge amounts of resources in them. However, it still takes a long time to get the
resources out of the crate for the settlers, because there are so many. If you are impatient, search for "Settler"
in the "proto.xml" file and find the tag for GatherCrate. Change the value to whatever desired, preferably something
very high (for example, "99999"). They will pull the resources out of the crate instantly.